Friday 18 May 2007

Ahhh....fresh bread and synthetic vitamin B9. There's no escaping it. I was reading about the over-prescription of prozac the other day. Some wag suggested the authorities should add it to drinking water and have done with it. I had a thought, did an internet search and hey presto! No wonder the kids are so damn cheerful at 6:00 am. This, however, is enough to test even the chemically cheerful.

Back in the real world, I met two near neighbours in Tescos this morning. We chatted, they went home in their seperate cars and I walked off to the train station. 3 carbon emissions for a possible 1. Bargain.

Sod it. Let's run away. Here will do nicely, enough land for generations to come. In fact, what am I doing here when I could be a proper French peasant??


wren said...

Well, you could be a french peasant here... just shove onions round yer kneck and go "allo, allo" occasionally?

As to the nuclear thingy, til people stop the mentality of not in my backyard to wind turbos etc etc then we're stuffed anyway, and if we do all get drownded by global warming, may not be such a bad thing, the earth will be here, just no parasitical humans, maybe the cow will become the new top species..... !

terrace max said...

But you could find some relatively cheap property in France, well above sea level, ride out the inevitable storm, and get ready to live in a less crowded world.

I, for one, will welcome a cow as world president, but that's an udder story...

Wardy said...

Those French farmhouses look idyllic! My upholstery teacher came to say goodbye last week as her and her old man are retiring to Picardy having bought an old ruin with its own cave to keep wine in. She doesn't even drink! wonder if she'll start. Part of me is now over there - they took me lawn mower with em

wren said...

I would give my eye teeth, lol just realized what they are.. doh... lol to be in the middle of nowhere... like when I'm walking dawg...just the birdies and foxes and ... absolutely love it.. and I'm on a hill so neer...! ;-)

Wardy said...

On a hill! I live on one and it's no fun in winter when the chill comes o'er the Urals