Sunday 20 May 2007

It's all about trying to find room for those early sowings now. I got my celeriac plants out of their 5" pots and planted them in the compost/bean trench. I read somewhere they will like this luxury accomodation. The best plant was about 6" high so I'm expecting roots the size of footballs (not the usual ping pong scale).
The bean trench isn't expecting a full quota of beans any time soon as the first sowing got half-slugged... In an increasingly elaborate companion system, the bean trench bed has wild asparagus down the middle. This is surrounded by sweetcorn seedlings. Then a row of seven tyres to house seven pumpkins. Then the bean trench (with celeriac in it). The bean canes will overarch the whole shooting match. Already things are looking a bit shaky, though. The sweetcorn got soaked in all the rain once too often and looks a bit off-colour, and only half the wild asparagus is showing. However I did have fun identifying the weeds that had emerged from the compost in the trench - onions, potatoes, a turnip, chamomile and something which looked like angelica!
I cleared a bed of old kale plants - some of them were nearly 5' high - and planted out yet more alliums: shimonita bunching onions and some leeks (12 x 3 French varieties). The latter resembled fat chives, not the pencil thickness prescribed by the gardening authorities. It was the first 'follow-on' planting of the year and got me wondering what was going to follow the spuds and overwintered alliums that will be harvested at the end of next month... so I reached for the excel sheet and...fortunately there are about 400 remaining options, only half of which are varieties of chicory.

1 comment:

Wardy said...

Hi Max

Happy new year

How are them Shimonita's? Mine are wiffler snafflers ! Oh well time for them to grow a bit yet

here's hoping