Sunday 20 May 2007

The Observer goes nuclear - for reasons it finds hard to explain. Nuclear power is 'hardly a carbon-neutral enterprise', could be a target for terrorists caused by 'blunt strategic' decisions like this, 'and the questions of safety, especially the treatment of toxic waste, remain highly contentious.' Sign me up then. Presumably, the chatterers at the Obserers have realised that their ability to sell advertising space has a direct relationship with global warming: more product = more warming.
Finally someone was brave enough to say it. Amazing it was Aaronovitch... This is a worthy feature, if a bit ironic if you use it to sell newspapers. All of which conspires to keep other stories of children suffering buried. Oh well, there's always Kids' Club...
Elsewhere, a victory for the Veggie Society, or is it the Masterfoods PR department? Certainly not for the fight against dementia, or for the well being of cows and calves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.