Monday 21 May 2007

Really beautiful weather this morning, cool but very warm sun and the air smelt of the seaside.

I planted seven squash/pumpkin plants in car tyres. This means digging a hole, filling with compost, rough leaf mould and grass cuttings and then putting the tyre on top which is then three-quarter filled with soil... finally the unsuspecting cucurbit gets planted on top. I've no idea if this will work but the results from early (April) plantings have been very good - the tyre seems to provide the plant protection from the wind and retain heat from the sun.

I then constructed the canes for a dozen beans and planted out a few more sweetcorn seedlings. The morning had vanished.


Wardy said...

It will work! The compost does slump a bit so you might find that your pumpkin disappears out of site. We bunged a courgette plant in the top of each dalek compost bin and they cropped well. If I did that again I'd mound up the compost so it was proud of the top to allow for slumpage

teatree said...

scuse me Mr Max but methinks you are avoiding my question................JSUT HOW OLD IS PRETTY OLD???????

Wardy said...

oops did tha upset im! Not been seen since .......

Reedos said...

Reckon he's gone walk about again Wards - he'll wander back sometime.

wren said...

max, me little onion buncher, tis now July... please tell me the nettle soup is ready noooowwww!! I'm hungry!!! *sulks*

Wardy said...

cooeee, you there or what. No posts for nearly a year. Was turning 40 so bad?

Hope your veggie growing has kicked off and may your onions never bunch!

Oh, nearly forgot.... have a gleg at our new lotty website at Ta ta